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Chinese translation for "crystalline habit"


Related Translations:
crystalline mineral:  结晶质矿物
crystalline continuity:  结晶连续性
crystalline rupture:  结晶状断口
crystalline network:  晶格结构
crystalline limestone:  结晶灰岩
crystalline rennin:  结晶凝乳酶
crystalline germ:  晶芽
crystalline potential:  晶体电势
crystalline carborundum:  结晶碳化硅
crystalline metamorphism:  结晶变质
Example Sentences:
1.A ) the orientation of hbn on si ( 100 ) was dominated intrinsically by the crystalline habit and the lattice mismatch between the substrate and films . the former was dominated by the periodical bond chain ( pbc ) theory , while the latter was in relation with the stress and strain
A ) hbn在si ( 100 )表面的取向受hbn自身结晶习性和它与衬底间的晶格匹配关系的控制,前者是受周期性键链( pbc )理论控制,后者与应力和应变有一定关系。
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